School Milk and Fruit Market measures

From October 2nd, children of educational institutions in Latvia are receiving milk, fruits and vegetables within the programme "School Milk and Fruit”. In this school year 270, 633 children in 1, 335 educational institutions will eat fruits and vegetables, while 261, 854 children will drink milk in 1,247 schools and kindergartens. Data show that popularity of the program is growing - for example, increase for receiving fruits and vegetables is more than 2, 900 children.

Pre-schoolers and 1st -9th graders can get dairy products, fruits and vegetables free of charge three times a week. Products are: pasteurized milk, apples, pears, cabbage, kohlrabi, carrots, pumpkins, kale, cranberries (assorted only), but from year 2024/2025 also cucumbers, parsnips and tomatoes.

Main goal of the programme is to promote healthy eating and nutrition habits among children, as well as to provide more targeted support and increase the promotion of healthy food consumption among youngsters.

More information is available at the website